
CBD Yoga. It’s a Thing.

CBD Yoga is an emerging trend that aims to deliver the best of both worlds. Relaxation from CBD Oil and the zen you feel after yoga. What more do you need? With the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be hard to find time to relax and unwind. The accumulated stress and fatigue can have a direct impact on your health, proper functioning and consequently your overall efficiency. Thankfully, you can always indulge in some mind-relaxing yoga preceded by a healthy dose of CBD oil for a truly therapeutic session. For the uninitiated, we’ll be discussing why you should take CBD oil before you do yoga.

But First, Here’s How CBD Works

First, it is important to appreciate what CBD does for the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS serves numerous cognitive and physiological functions which include memory, appetite, motor function, emotions, fertility, pain and pleasure perception and more. Additionally, CBD interacts with the ECS in a synergistic relationship that positively enhances normal body functions. Yoga, on the other hand, entails breathing techniques, physical exercise and meditation. Its aim is to improve the health of the individual, calm the mind and ultimately achieve happiness.

With that in mind, CBD and Yoga seems like a natural fit. Below are some reasons why you should consider taking CBD oil before your yoga routine.

Natural Weight Loss and Appetite Regulation

Looking to lose some weight and get fit? Well, you don’t necessarily have to sign up for Marine Corps boot camp to get what you’re looking for. CBD and Yoga are exactly what you need. Taking CBD Oil before a yoga session is a great way to promote healthy weight loss. It improves your metabolism while regulating your appetite via the action of receptor-mediated signals in the ECS. CBD blocks the activation of receptors associated with increased appetite. The net effect is that you eat less while the body metabolizes its energy reserves in the form of fat deposits.

Yoga works you out, which contributes to weight loss. For this reason, CBD Yoga lowers the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

CBD Yoga

Mood Regulation

Yoga aims to ultimately induce feelings of happiness and peace of mind. CBD oil is best known for its effects on the mood and its ability to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. Taking CBD oil before you do yoga provides a double boost to your general feeling of wellness. This allows you to fully be in the moment and get the best out of your yoga session. The meditation component of yoga requires some concentration while CBD helps you focus and channel your inner Zen. Achieving this state of mental relaxation and peace has real benefits on your health and overall well-being. It allows you to finally approach your daily tasks with calmness, poise and newfound energy.

As a result, you will sleep better and wake up energized to take on whatever the day throws at you with a smile.

Relief from Muscle Pain and Soreness

If you’re new to yoga, you may experience some muscle pain on account of the physical component of yoga. Stretching and holding poses takes some getting used to it starts to feel more natural. CBD yoga can take out pain from the equation by allowing you to jump right into the action and therefore, get the best out of each session. It also has excellent pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. CBD provides relief for:

  • Menstrual pain
  • Chronic pain that is as a result of musculoskeletal disorders such as scoliosis, arthritis and more
  • Headaches
  • Chronic pain caused by cancer
  • Pain from sports injuries and accidental injuries such as burns and more

Yoga invigorates the body, helping it counter some types of pain. Furthermore, the stretching exercises help treat some pain that arises from tight muscles. An example is the painful cramping associated with menstrual cycles. CBD yoga provides lasting relief during and after the session, thereby giving you the power to carry on uninterrupted.

Immune Boosting Properties of Yoga and CBD Oil

Studies show that yoga is a helpful way of boosting your immune system. Additionally, similar studies on CBD oil show that it has a direct impact on the immune system in the human body. CBD interacts with CB2 receptors in the Endocannabinoid System through a direct link to the immune system. Its effect on the ECS allows the body to ward off infections and deal with stress. Yoga, on the other hand, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and lowers your heart rate. Taking a dose of CBD before a yoga session ensures you get all the benefits listed above long after your yoga session has ended.

CBD Yoga Safety

CBD oil is relatively safe for use in most people with very few exceptions. The only exceptions are:

  • Pregnant women shouldn’t use CBD products because they put the unborn child at risk
  • If you are taking medication, it is advisable to consult your physician prior to taking CBD
  • If you experience any severe reactions to CBD products, cease all use of products

It is worth mentioning that CBD oil does not cause a high. Actually, CBD is known to counter the psychotropic effects of its counterpart THC. Therefore, you get to experience the full health benefits of CBD oil without the buzz.

If you or a loved one are a yogi, give our CBD oil products a try. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the additional benefits that arise from CBD Yoga.

CBD Oil and How it Helps with Pain

CBD for Pain

CBD Oil for pain has been a popular remedy recently. As a result, there have been increased calls for safer, non-opioid based pain medications. Studies involving the use of CBD oil for chronic pain, inflammation and anxiety have brought new hope to people living with these conditions. CBD oil has risen in popularity on account of its potential to treat a myriad of daily and chronic illnesses. Today, we will focus on the use of CBD oil for pain, the science behind it and the risks of consuming CBD.

About CBD Oil

CBD oil is a natural substance made by infusing hemp seed oil, coconut oil or another oil with cannabidiol (CBD). CBD has only recently made headlines everywhere despite being isolated and identified in the 1940s. Recent studies showed evidence of its efficacy in the management of chronic pain caused by cancer, arthritis or other musculoskeletal conditions.

CBD oil is consumed orally or through smoking and inhalation. However, there is no evidence to suggest that smoking or vaping CBD oil has any health benefits or pain-relieving effects. That is why it is recommended to stick to oral consumption of CBD oil. It is quickly absorbed and gets to work immediately. CBD interacts with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) which is responsible for a number of physiological and cognitive functions. These include mood, perception of pain and pleasure, fertility, mood, appetite, and immunity.

Cannabis and the Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

The human ECS has two receptors, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are located within the brain and nervous system. THC interacts with and directly binds to CB1 receptors. As a result, THC causes a high. CB2 receptors on the other hand, are associated with the immune system. CBD does not interact with or bind to CB1 receptors, but rather promotes the uncoupling of THC-CB1 complexes. This action dampens the psychoactive effects of THC.

CB2 receptors are associated with appetite regulation, immune response and pain management. CBDs interaction with CBD helps the body deal with inflammation and chronic pain that may be a symptom of an underlying condition. CBD oil blocks the degradation of anandamide, a compound associated with pain regulation. Elevated levels of anandamide in the bloodstream can help decrease the amount of pain a person experiences.

The human endocannabinoid system (ECS) is easily thrown off balance without the proper concentration of endogenous cannabinoids and neurotransmitters. Moreover, in this state, the body is unable to maintain homeostasis and deal with pain. To address this, CBD oil helps restore homeostatic balance by promoting the release of endogenous painkillers, hormones and neurotransmitters. This happens through the activation of CB2 receptors that contribute to a better immune response to pain and inflammation. Also, CBD has been noted to display anti-oxidant properties, which adds to its impressive list of benefits.

CBD Oil Helps With Pain

Additional Conditions CBD Oil Can Help Manage

  • Arthritis
  • Cancer pain
  • Multiple sclerosis pain
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Scoliosis, neck pain, and pain caused by similar musculoskeletal problems
  • Migraines
  • Neuropathic pain

Finally, animal studies have demonstrated CBD’s effectiveness in the management of chronic pain without building up tolerance after prolonged use.

Side Effects and Contra-Indications

CBD oil doesn’t come without its share of unintended effects. CBD has had negative interactions with a number of medicines prescribed to manage pain and a host of other symptoms. Therefore, it is important to remember that CBD oil is NOT a substitute for seeking professional medical help. The rule of thumb is to seek your physician’s opinion prior to self-medicating with CBD oil. That said, there are some side effects which include:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Abnormal changes in mood and appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Low blood pressure

Expectant women are advised against consuming any CBD products as this can harm an unborn child. Scientific studies are still ongoing on the effects and safety of CBD. Initial results look promising but nothing is conclusive at this point.

CBD and Pain

CBD oil has been documented numerous times to relieve chronic pain. That is why CBD oil has the potential to be the next big thing in organic herbal medicines. However, at the momIent, the FDA has approved only one CBD-based drug. That is why additional long term studies are required to shed light on the extent of the effects of Phytocannabinoids on the human body. But there’s much to be hopeful for.

CBD oil provides a holistic approach to treating chronic pain and inflammation. And with improved endogenous endocannabinoid production, your body can be healthy enough to deal with most pain, anxiety, and insomnia. Hopefully we’ve answered some questions you may have had regarding CBD and chronic pain. To conclude, we always we wish you and your loved ones good health and if you’re in the market for CBD oil, we are always here help with high quality products.

CBD for Anxiety. Does it Help and How Does it Work?

CBD Oil and Anxiety

Are you thinking of trying CBD for your anxiety? You’re not alone. Millions of people suffering from anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia and PTSD find relief in one particular cannabis-derived product, cannabidiol (CBD) oil. The recreational and medical use of cannabis and cannabis-derived products has picked up the pace in recent months. Today, we will be discussing how cannabidiol oil can help you deal with anxiety and its effects on the endocannabinoid system.

What is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol is among the 113 known compounds isolated from the cannabis sativa plant. It does not get you high. Most people erroneously assume that any cannabis-related product is psychoactive. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. CBD is doesn’t share the same notorious psychoactive properties that its more famous counterpart, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), possesses. So, what good is a cannabis product that doesn’t get you high?

Well, CBD is especially appealing if you’re seeking relief from symptoms of chronic pain and other long-term ailments without the negative effects of THC-laden marijuana or addictive opioids. This is why the use of CBD oil is slowly gaining traction in the health sector.

Scientific studies have confirmed CBD oil to be effective in the management of anxiety and other mental ailments such as sleep. There are many pharmaceutical-grade anxiety medications that are not very popular amongst those suffering from the condition. The most commonly used pharmaceutical interventions prescribed for anxiety have numerous side effects and contraindications. On the other hand, CBD oils offer a safe anxiety management option that is effective.

How Does CBD Oil Help With Anxiety?

The endocannabinoid (ECS) system regulates numerous cognitive and physiological processes. These include the mediation of appetite, mood, pain-sensation, memory, and more. CBD oils are potent anxiety treatments that target the serotonin system.

Most pharmaceutical drugs inhibit serotonin in the brain. CBD works similarly, thereby increasing the availability of serotonin. More serotonin reduces symptoms of anxiety and in certain cases, can even boost the mood of the patient.

However, CBD oil alleviates anxiety without the adverse effects of addictive anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines. In addition to treating anxiety, CBD has safely treated PTSD, insomnia and chronic pain disorders.

CBD is rapidly absorbed and works immediately when consumed orally. There is no proof that smoking or vaping CBD matches the results of oral consumption. So stick to oral consumption to experience the anxiety-dampening effects that CBD oil offers.

CBD Oil and Anxiety

Not Just Anxiety – Other Health Benefits of Cannabidiol

CBD oil products offer a host of therapeutic benefits that don’t include a high. CBD oil is potent in the treatment of a variety of anxiety-related disorders, which include:

However, the benefits don’t stop there. CBD oil has been demonstrated to be effective in the management of Cancer-Related Symptoms such as nausea and pain, chronic acne, and antitumor properties in animal test subjects.

The short-term benefits of CBD oil on anxiety is impressive even though the effects of long-term CBD use is not fully documented. What we do know is that there is a need for safe alternative medicines with low risk of addiction. CBD oil fits the bill.

The FDA approved CBD to treat epileptic seizures. However, the FDA doesn’t regulate the treatment of anxiety with CBD. As a result, it is advisable to start with low doses of CBD with gradual increases over time. You should consult a qualified medical practitioner before trying CBD to correctly determine the appropriate dosage.


In summary, CBD oils are a major breakthrough in providing natural remedies for not only anxiety, but also a host of other illnesses. The initial benefits of cannabidiol oil are promising although further studies are necessary. Hopefully, more people can experience the relief they deserve from anxiety after its benefits are fully recognized.

Try our products if you suffer from anxiety. At Can Be Done, we provide products that can help you from the outside, but believe that health and wellness begins from the inside. Be kind to others and above all to yourself.

Is CBD Effective Treatment For Opioid Addiction?

CBD Opioid Addiction

CBD can be used to manage a myriad of ailments, including opioid addiction. A recent study suggests that CBD could help treat opioid addiction. This study found that CBD significantly reduced cravings and anxiety for heroin addicts, without serious side effects. The reduced cravings and anxiety were even apparent a week after taking CBD for 3 days in a row. More than 400,000 people have died of opioid addiction in the United States alone since the early 2000s. In this article, we’ll be discussing the use, science, and future of CBD as a potential treatment for opioid addiction.

CBD and Opioids

As health practitioners seek to contain the opioid epidemic, the need for an alternative means of treatment has risen. Opioid addiction treatment can be problematic since typical medications are also opioid-based. Preliminary animal studies show promising results for CBD as the solution to opioid addiction. During initial tests, scientists first administered doses of heroin to rats, then recorded the effects that CBD had on those with drug-seeking behavior. Following the introduction of CBD, the rats became less dependent on heroin.

In recent human clinical trials, individuals with known histories of opioid dependency showed significant decreases in opioid cravings after a single dose of CBD. Researchers also noted that CBD lessened feelings of anxiety in the subjects. It is evident that experts require further studies before determining if they can use CBD in conventional medicine. However, initial studies concur that CBD has the potential to be a pivotal instrument in the fight against the opioid epidemic.

The Science Behind Opioid Addiction

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Try Our Full Spectrum CBD Oil if You Suffer from Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction has impacted millions of lives and hundreds of thousands of families across America. In order to understand the importance of addiction treatment, one must understand how opioids affect the human brain and behavior. Opioids work via the activation of opioid receptors, which belong to a class of compounds known as G-protein-coupled receptors. These receptors release opioids in the form of endorphins or “feel good hormones.” Endorphins are also responsible for numbing the perception of pain and stimulating a temporary sense of well-being. Over time, the release of endorphins slows down, which prompts the user to increase his or her intake of opioids.

A patient can develop a high tolerance to narcotics over a short period of time; consequently, he or she may require larger doses to experience the same effects. Licensed medical practitioners hardly ever approve of increasing dosages or renewing prescriptions⁠; to a patient immune to regulated opioids, heroin becomes extremely enticing. With compromised pleasure and pain receptors in the brain, patients find that opioid addiction is a slippery slope. But with what we know, we have the potential to well equip patients on the road to recovery.

CBD Opioid Addiction

How CBD Helps in the Treatment of Opioid Addiction

CBD binds to Receptor Types 1 and 2 and also interacts with the 5-HT1A agonist⁠—a subtype of the serotonin receptor. The function of serotonin is similar in a lot of ways to that of endorphins. Recent discoveries hint at a possible relationship between the Serotonergic system and the endocannabinoid system. This new information forms the basis for why CBD could be a viable treatment for addiction. CBD blocks the reabsorption of serotonin in the brain, increasing the availability of serotonin in the synaptic space. The more serotonin there is in the synaptic spaces, the better the brain cells are able to transmit serotonin signals. Additionally, serotonin elicits a feeling of well-being, just like opioid-triggered endorphins.

Experts at the Addiction Institute at Mount Sinai in New York City conducted a study in which individuals with documented dependence of opioids each took a dose of CBD. Afterward, these individuals were subjected to opiate-drug triggers such as syringes or powder sachets resembling heroin. The test subjects then rated the severity of their cravings and how much anxiety they felt. The results were astounding: the subjects who consumed CBD experienced a significant drop in cravings and overall dependence on opioids. Records also state that their heart rates, blood pressure, and stress levels were well within acceptable levels. The study concluded that CBD and the signals it delivers reduce symptoms of anxiety and eliminate the cravings that drive addiction. Patients also experienced relief from pain, eliminating the need for using opioids to treat pain.

What Does the Future Hold For CBD Opioid Addiction Treatments?

Many additional studies still need to be conducted before we find a definitive solution to the opioid epidemic. Some cases have reported side effects associated with CBD use, which include diarrhea, nausea, headaches, lethargy. At this point, we cannot assert that CBD treatments are 100% safe, but recent studies have found that CBD is not associated with any serious side effects. Long term studies that involve following up on recovering addicts using CBD will be crucial in determining the efficacy of CBD as a treatment for opioid addiction, but initial results are very promising.

If you or a loved one suffer from opioid addiction, our CBD oil products might be able to help you.

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Shop Can Be Done Full Spectrum CBD Oils

What is Cannabidiol (CBD) and What are Its Benefits?

What is CBD

Have you noticed the surge in popularity of CBD-derived products lately? It’d be hard not to with all the hype surrounding cannabis. Cannabidiol (CBD) is among 113 naturally occurring compounds isolated from cannabis. It has also been the focus of numerous human clinical trials for treating opioid addiction, pediatric epilepsy, and more. In this article, we’ll be discussing what CBD is, its health benefits, and why you should consider using it.

In 1940, scientists discovered Cannabidiol, a phytocannabinoid that accounts for up to 40% of cannabis-plant extracts. Cannabidiol is sourced from the cannabis family, which includes hemp and marijuana. Hemp is high in CBD and low in THC, which is the compound that makes you feel high. Whereas marijuana contains cannabidiol and higher doses of THC. As a result, it’s nearly impossible to get high off of hemp-based CBD.

Scientists determined its chemical structure in 1963, but did not apply it as a medical remedy until around 2000 because of its association with marijuana. As more states legalize recreational and medical marijuana, the focus shifts to CBD and its potential to treat illnesses.

How CBD Interacts with the Human Body

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a system of receptors that interacts with cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. The system is associated with many cognitive and physiological functions: memory, appetite, motor functions, emotions, fertility, pain and pleasure perception and various others. Phytocannabinoids such as Cannabidiol interact with the ECS in a synergistic relationship that influences normal body functions. Cannabidiol interacts with Cannabinoid Receptors Type 1 and Type 2 (CB1 and CB2).

Activating these receptors promotes good health and helps maintain homeostasis. The action of CBD on CB1 and CB2 receptors sets off other receptors such as TRPV1, which controls critical functions like the regulation of body temperature, inflammation, and the perception of pain. The interaction of Cannabidiol with serotonin receptors blocks reabsorption of serotonin in the brain, increasing the availability of serotonin in the synaptic space. This, in turn, helps reduce anxiety, positively influences mood and reduces dependence on opioids and chronic pain associated with cancer.

Benefits of CBD

Experts can manipulate the ECS using CBD to manage or potentially treat a variety of medical conditions. CBD oil is potent in managing conditions such as:

Researchers have also effectively used CBD oil to manage symptoms from cancer treatment such as nausea, pain, and chronic acne; Tests on animal subjects have demonstrated CBD’s antitumor properties. Cannabidiol is also able to dampen the psychoactive effects of THC.

What is CBD

Possible Risks, Side Effects, and Contra-Indications

While cannabidiol has many documented health benefits, there are some expected side effects and risks associated with its use. We highly recommend seeking the advice of a qualified medical practitioner before using CBD oil. It is imperative that you consult a professional if you are on other medications. Pregnant women should not use CBD because it may enhance the permeability of the placental barrier, putting the developing fetus at risk. Developmental anomalies may also arise if a pregnant woman uses CBD.

Other side effects can include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Overproduction of liver enzymes, a marker for liver damage
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting


Conclusive data has yet to come out, but from early studies, it seems that the benefits outweigh the risks. CBD has proven to be useful in managing everyday conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, and pain. A study in May 2019 published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that CBD can be used to treat opioid addiction by reducing cravings and anxiety. Its use against PTSD has also earned it a reputation as a reliable alternative to conventional pharmaceutical drugs. Cannabidiol is legal in all 50 states. However, due to its unregulated usage, there aren’t any defined dosages or required testing protocols.

CBD oil can provide the relief you need in a short period of time. Do you have anxiety, high blood pressure, insomnia or pain? We’ve got you covered. Give our products a try and experience the relief and comfort you can only get with good health.